Aarti Khandelwal: I am Aarti Khandelwal , Founder of Kreations By Aarti. I am based at Jaipur ( Rajasthan). The Pink City of India which is known for its intricate and delicate work. My brand is ME i.e. I love to create clothes with a modern outlook with a tint of traditional value . That’s me , I am a Fashion Designer with a mixture of modern and traditional tone . That is reflected in my clothes. I am born and brought up in a traditional family and with time I have seen changes happening as per the modern outlook. I am well rooted to my traditions so I kinda try to create in my designs. I do indo- western , traditional, western, comfy wears and even customise as per my clients demands . I am very flexible in creating my design and love to give what my clients demand. I wanna see that smile whenever they wear my creations . I give comfort and style in my creations.
Interviewer: How did you get into business?
Aarti Khandelwal: I think I was blessed enough to know what I wanted to do in life . So I started working for it from the moment I got an understanding of this profession. Since childhood I was always into clothes and styling . Sometimes knowingly and sometimes unknowingly . So I started preparing myself for fashion designing entrance exams and doing research on what is good for me and all . As a result of that, as soon as I finished my 12th , I was ready to embark upon my career with an admission letter from Pearl Academy, Jaipur. And by the time I completed my course I knew I wanted to start my own label . So I worked hard almost day and night to make that happen.
Interviewer: What achievements do you have after coming in this business?
Aarti Khandelwal: It’s not been long that I started my work . But I think I have created my mark in the market as the way I wanted . And love the appreciation I get from my clients about the my creations that motivates me to work more and more towards creating my designs. I have done many exhibitions and used social media such as Instagram, Facebook etc. to showcase my work which has helped me in getting that recognition Nation wide.
Interviewer: What type of Service/Products you have.
Aarti Khandelwal: I am a Fashion Designer, who does western, traditional, western and comfy wear too. I even customise as per my clients requirements. I am basically clients driven, I love to give what they want but always keep the touch of my creation which makes my outfits unique, comfortable and stylish.
Interviewer: What was the most difficult time for you in doing this business, which you overcome?
Aarti Khandelwal: I would say business in itself is very challenging and difficult at the same time. It’s never easy to do business. So as I face and think many others face the same on a daily basis. But if I had to pick one I would say the pandemic period was very challenging. Because of shortage of labour and supply the demands were not being met. It was a very hard time in my business. But I had my friends and family to always support and motivate me to thrive. Especially my sister, she is my rock. I started doing my work online , which helped me in meeting my goals and helped me in keeping my business up and running.
Interviewer: Which Part of Your Product/Services Make Different form Other?
Aarti Khandelwal: I think it’s my values which keeps me unique and different from the crowd. Because I am an Indian girl doing what I love in this modern outlook and still thrives to keep the traditions intact. Which is well reflected in my creations. I do things very differently I believe because I don’t only indulge in styling, I even keep comfort and traditions in my heart while creating. I believe comfort is very important, it makes you 1000 times more confident in your own skin. It’s like you can rule the world.
Interviewer: Any message for the youth/women empowerment that you want to give through this article?
Interviewer: I personally would love to share with every woman out there, it’s okay to be you. You don’t need to change to please someone else. Learn to be confident in your own skin. Learn to please yourself and not others . And only you can bring out the best version of your self. And it’s okay to fail, take it as a positive motivation to do much better. As we know the person who has failed knows the best about winning. Stay Happy , Stay Safe , And Be Yourself.