HomeGrowing EntrepreneursShachi Dwivedi - Journey from being a bookworm to a successful six...

Shachi Dwivedi – Journey from being a bookworm to a successful six figure earner.

You learn more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure builds character.

Introducing Miss Shachi Dwivedi to our viewers. A passionate girl who wants to achieve big heights in her life by her dedication and knowledge. She belongs to Varanasi Uttar Pradesh. She did B.com and during 2nd and 3rd year she prepared for various prestigious exams like CAT and SNAP exam. And she qualified for those exams. It was a very proud moment for her family. Some more beautiful moments of her life in her school life are that she got many titles like Miss precious and bookworm girl.

Then she decided to do a job in the private sector. She did very well there. But due to covid lockdown she was struggling financially. Then she came to know about digital marketing services and she started studying about it. She got an opportunity to work with a reputed digital marketing organization. She started working and learning new skills. Within a short period of time she crossed six figure income and earned the position of Hall Of Famer. She made her parents proud.

According to Miss Dwivedi everything is possible, nothing is impossible, you just have to keep patience .
What she has achieved just because she doesn’t compromise with failures. She attributes her success to this; she  never gave or took any excuse.

Shachi wants to tell all of you to never ever give up in your life .You shouldn’t focus on why you can’t do something, which is what most people do. You should focus on why perhaps you can, and be one of the exceptions.

She is mentoring more than 100 people. She helps everyone who wants guidance regarding digital marketing. She believes in philanthropy and provides education and books to needy children. She believes by educating our society every person can live a dignified and financially stable life.

Shachi Dwivedi is a successful digital entrepreneur today and is guiding a lot of people. If you too are entangled in your life, how to find and work on a new opportunity in this great time. You can message Shachi Dwivedi on her Instagram.

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