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Unfiltered Creativity: Rishabh Dubey’s Quest to Revolutionize Content Creation

“Writing has always been my first love and passion. As I explored the creative world, I discovered that it holds true for many others as well.”

Entrepreneurs Today got in touch with Rishabh Dubey to talk about his current venture and what inspired him to get started on his journey. He explains that the untapped potential of the writing world and the disorganized nature of the content creation market inspired him to embark on the journeys of the ‘Kridious‘ and ‘The Voices of Silence‘ initiatives.

The face behind Kridious

Rishabh Dubey, known by the pen name ‘Kridious’, is a renowned writer and entrepreneur. From a young age, Rishabh embraced chaos and began channeling it into his writing. With nine published books, including successful titles on Amazon, Rishabh has established himself as a prominent author. Through his brand ‘Kridious’, he provides a platform for creative individuals to express themselves and monetize their passion. By collaborating with writers, artists, musicians, and poets, ‘Kridious’ fosters an environment of learning and growth. 

We asked Rishabh about what is at the core of the brand. He explains,

“The brand ‘Kridious’ represents content writing in its most unfiltered and raw form. It helps people grasp those skills via collaboration and teaming, and then turn them into stable revenue streams with not even the slightest bit of change in their existing schedules and lives.”

‘Kridious’ sets itself apart by not being a traditional publishing or content agency. It doesn’t conform to the conventional notion of a digital platform either. Instead, it represents the idea of collaboration and mutual support, aiming to organize and monetize individual passions through symbiotic exploration and revenue sharing.

Rocky road

When we asked about the initial challenges he faced, on a playful note, Rishabh added, 

“I’ll just say that if you persist relentlessly, someday you’ll undoubtedly find yourself in a position where someone will ask you this question.”

He acknowledged that the journey has been far from a cakewalk. Becoming a writer and building a profitable profession or business in the field posed significant challenges for Rishabh. He explains that the writing, publishing, and content creation industries are dominated by established organizations known for their captivating content. 

“I say ‘dominated’ because of the latent entry barrier they have put in place as a filter.”

So the idea of helping others develop their writing skills, creating a business around it, and ultimately writing for others seemed far-fetched in the competitive and turbulent business landscape.

Achievements so far

“My achievements include the success of my own books, the books of authors whom I guide, and the books co-written by the freelancers I have mentored.”

Additionally, he reveals that he has achieved PR strengthening through a marketing strategy involving book publishing by senior industry professionals, which creates parallel buzz marketing.

Furthermore, he has provided opportunities for creative freelancers such as digital artists, designers, musicians, video editors, sound engineers, voice-over artists, digital marketers, freelance campaign managers, and social media experts. 

As per his yardstick to measure success, he notes,

“My greatest success was never just about business; I consider them as milestones. The moment of eternal pride for me will always be when my parents held my first internationally published book, ‘The Mangoman.’”

Rishabh tells us that it was an emotional experience for all of them, and they celebrated together. Finally, he adds,

“Today, as the Kridious community, we have helped a few authors reach the ‘bestseller’ tag on digital marketplaces. We have also assisted during product launch phases through simultaneous book releases, optimized with titles to create SEO buzz for the respective products and brands, among other accomplishments.”

Coming up next

Rishabh talks about the fact that almost everyone has a unique and interesting story to tell, but not everyone possesses the art of storytelling. The volume and reach of content creation have surpassed our wildest imaginations, as has the capacity to consume content. With the fast-paced nature of modern life and decreasing attention spans, there is now a platform for everyone to share their stories.

Team Kridious aims to collaborate with those who aspire to bring their stories to the world through books, videos, and various forms of content. The future plan involves expanding the community and reaching diverse corners of the world, showcasing content from numerous cultures, in multiple languages, and beyond.

Snigdha Basu
Snigdha Basu
A multifaceted writer, Snigdha Basu is a freelancer and a columnist at Entrepreneurs Today. She also spearheads Chic Life Edition - her own Digital Magazine with sustainable fashion, beauty, and culture at its core. Reach out to Snigdha at [email protected] for inquiries.
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