We have three roles here on earth: to learn, to love, and to live. When we stop learning, we start to stagnate and die. When we stop loving, we lose our sense of purpose and become self – centered. When we limit our living, we deny the world the benefits of our talents. We are introducing Miss Pragya Dubey. A girl with big ambition and wanted to achieve big heights. She is just 19 and what she achieved in this age is completely unthinkable. She is pursuing her BTEC. She belongs to Uttar Pradesh. Even though she belongs to a well to do family, she decided to become independent by earning money. She got an opportunity to work with an affiliate marketing company but initially she was not so convinced about that. But after having proper knowledge about this business she decided to start the business. When she started don’t have much knowledge how to do this business. She attended regular training and learned all the working of the business. Initially when she started she didn’t earn a single penny in her 1st month she just focused on learning. Then in the next month she focused on her business with full dedication and in just 2 months she earned more than 13 lakh rupees from this business. She made her family members feel proud. She is mentoring more than 2000 people. She helps everyone who wants help and support. She shares her experiences with new affiliates so that they can’t do the mistakes. Pragya also believes in maintaining the love and warmth with people around her. Her this belief also reflects in her personality like mentoring her affiliates and helping needy children in every possible way be it education or any other thing.But everything which she achieved is not easy. Firstly she broke all the barriers of her mind only then she can do something. She did that and step out of her comfort zone as she told it is very difficult for a person who belongs to a decent family to take this type of decision. But she fought and proved herself. Pragya faced lots of challenges when she started her business. When she started her social media accounts like whatsapp, instagram and facebook got blocked because of some undisclosed reason. It was a very tough and challenging time for her but she stood up against it and overcame the problem. Pragya is completely dedicated towards the business because in her first month she didn’t earn any money but she didn’t leave the business she just enhanced her skills. Pragya says that everyone has some diversified source of earning. Depending on a single earning source is our biggest mistake. We must have multiple sources of income so that if one fails our life won’t get impacted much. Pragya Dubey is a successful digital entrepreneur today and is guiding a lot of people. If you too are entangled in your life, how to find and work on a new opportunity in this great time. You can message Pragya Dubey on her Instagram.