Sumedh Sameer Joshi – In a global, hyper-connected economy, where security failures in one corner of the world can lead to an economic catastrophe on the other side of the world, it’s in everyone’s best interest to promote greater security and prosperity everywhere. Especially in the world’s most fragile states, economic development is critical to stability. The only way out is to promote and support local brands and entrepreneurs.
Sumedh Sameer Joshi, is a Digital Entrepreneur the man behind this huge and successful venture. He was born in a small town in Maharashtra, never saw any extravagance around him growing up.
He has won Gold Medal in International Boxing “World Games 2017”. But his dream was to become a YouTuber. Every middle class person has the same problem “investment” was also a big challenge for him. But he never focused on problems. He grew up and made “Affiliate Marketing” as a way to earn money and give new direction to dreams.
Sumedh Sameer Joshi always felt that something was missing. He was not very satisfied with his life, and he had the guts to change it all.
He realised he was far too ambitious to accept anything less than what he had dreamt. While searching for work on social media platforms, he came across with Affiliate Marketing, he saw his passion and profession in the same room. He always wanted to be out in the open connecting with as many people as he can, and at Affiliate Marketing it was possible. And within Four Month’s with Affiliate Marketing, his whole life was transformed.
Coming from a middle-class background Sumedh Sameer Joshi is now earning in six figures. With his and his team’s hard work and dedication Affiliate Marketing has reached this level. The mission is to produce the maximum amount of young entrepreneurs. Provide the generation with financial stability rather than just a degree to provide with more and more opportunities. Education is important but bookish knowledge is not what will keep you going for learn more about Sumedh Sameer Joshi
He helping more than 1000 people earn online and he trained more than 28000 people during lockdown . If you also want to know how to earn money online and help people, then you can message on Instagram and know more about Sumedh Sameer Joshi