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Building A New Age 360 Marketing Agency: Freewheeling Chat with Founder of Social 25, Sameera Khadeeja

Sameera Khadeeja
Image: Sameera Khadeeja

“Remember to be patient. Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a successful business. Stay committed to your vision, trust the process, and have faith that your hard work will eventually pay off.”

In a candid conversation with Entrepreneurs Today, Sameera Khadeeja glosses over her major takeaways, the usual challenges entrepreneurs face, and how they can navigate the trials and tribulations.

Sameera Khadeeja is the founder of Social 25, a 360 marketing agency specializing in digital marketing services. With four years of industry experience and a professional certificate in Digital Marketing and Analytics from IIM Kozhikode, Sameera leads a team dedicated to helping businesses succeed in the digital sphere.

Social 25’s comprehensive suite of services includes social media marketing, content marketing, performance management, website development and marketing, as well as event and shoot execution. By leveraging platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, the agency engages target audiences, builds brand awareness, and drives conversions for clients. With a focus on data-driven strategies, Social 25 monitors campaign performance closely to optimize outcomes and deliver maximum ROI.

From developing compelling content to creating visually stunning offline experiences, Social 25 provides the expertise needed to thrive in today’s digital landscape.

Getting Started

Sameera’s entrepreneurial journey began with Salome by Sameera, a venture focused on handcrafted jewellery inspired by her mother’s passion. Through this experience, she gained invaluable insights into business ownership over four years.

Her path took a transformative turn during her enrollment in a course at IIM Kozhikode, where she immersed herself in the realm of digital marketing and analytics. It was here that the seeds of Social 25 were planted. Looking back on her journey, she says,

“My journey took a pivotal turn when I enrolled in a course at IIM Kozhikode, where I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and professional development. Initially, the idea of starting a business might have been just a distant possibility, but as I delved deeper into the world of digital marketing and analytics, I began to see the potential for growth and innovation in the field.”

Seeing the possibilities, Sameera envisioned a full-service marketing agency tailored to meet the evolving needs of businesses in the digital age.

What started as a course assessment at IIM blossomed into Social 25, driven by Sameera’s passion for creativity, innovation, and helping businesses thrive in the digital landscape.

Competitive Edge

What sets Social 25 apart is its unique blend of affordability, expertise, and client-centric approach. Unlike competitors, Social 25 offers competitive pricing without compromising quality, making high-quality marketing solutions accessible to businesses of all sizes.

The team’s deep expertise in various fields, including social media marketing, content marketing, and website development, ensures that clients receive top-notch services delivered by seasoned professionals. Additionally, Social 25 prioritises client satisfaction, fostering long-term relationships through open communication and a collaborative approach tailored to each client’s unique needs.

Navigating Challenges

In the journey of building Social 25, Sameera encountered significant challenges that tested her determination and resilience.

The initial hurdle she faced was navigating the vast and competitive marketing industry as a newcomer. Establishing credibility and attracting clients seemed daunting. To overcome this, Sameera focused on continuous learning, staying updated with industry trends, and seeking mentorship from experienced professionals.

Another major challenge was the constraint of limited financial resources, especially in the early stages of business growth. Sameera had to be resourceful, prioritising expenses, seeking alternative funding sources, and maximising value for existing clients to sustain growth.

Reflecting on the tumultuous journey, Sameera expresses,

“Despite these challenges, I remained steadfast in my commitment to building a successful business. Through perseverance, strategic decision-making, and a willingness to adapt, I was able to overcome initial obstacles and position Social 25 for continued growth and success. Today, we are thriving and moving onwards and upwards, driven by a passion for delivering outstanding results for our clients and a relentless pursuit of excellence.”

Milestones Achieved

“For me, every client I serve is a testament to the success of my business, and the more clients I attract and retain, the greater my sense of accomplishment.”

Sameera’s achievements as an entrepreneur are reflected in the satisfaction and loyalty of her clients, which she considers paramount. Many clients choose to return for repeat business, highlighting the quality of service and results they experience, as well as the trust they have in her abilities.

One notable achievement is Sameera’s execution of an offline event for a prominent Direct-to-Consumer (D2C) brand, which brought together over 200 mom influencers and featured a celebrity appearance by Sania Mirza. Serving as the execution lead for this campaign was a significant milestone, showcasing her ability to plan, coordinate, and execute successful events. Positive feedback from the client and attendees reaffirmed the impact of her efforts and solidified Social 25’s reputation as a reliable and capable marketing agency.

Plans Ahead

Sameera envisions a bold future for Social 25, setting her sights on establishing the company as the premier marketing agency in Delhi NCR before expanding its influence nationwide.

A key aspect of her strategy involves cultivating partnerships with prominent celebrities to enhance brand visibility and client offerings, while also focusing on strategic growth opportunities, personalised client solutions, and a commitment to delivering exceptional service. With a steadfast dedication to consistency, client satisfaction, and investment in talent and technology, Sameera is poised to lead Social 25 to unparalleled success in the dynamic world of digital marketing.

Entrepreneurial Lessons

Sameera has learned the profound significance of prioritising service-oriented business models over product-centric ones through her journey. As she often says, “While products may have their allure, it’s the quality of service and the relationships forged with clients that truly distinguish businesses.” This focus on exceptional service delivery has cultivated enduring loyalty and trust, propelling our success forward.

Moreover, she has come to understand the indispensable value of consistency and patience in entrepreneurship. She asserts, “Building a business demands unwavering commitment and perseverance.” Embracing these virtues, even amidst challenges, lays the foundation for sustainable growth and achievement in the long term.

For aspiring entrepreneurs, she offers a simple message: “Just start.” As Sameers signs off, she reminds every budding entrepreneur,

“Nothing ever gets accomplished without action. Trust in your vision, take calculated risks, and embrace the journey with all its ups and downs.

Once you’ve started, hustle relentlessly. Success rarely comes overnight, and it’s the consistent effort and determination that pave the way for progress. Stay focused on your goals, adapt to challenges as they arise, and never lose sight of the passion that drives you forward.”

Snigdha Basu
Snigdha Basu
A multifaceted writer, Snigdha Basu is a freelancer and a columnist at Entrepreneurs Today. She also spearheads Chic Life Edition - her own Digital Magazine with sustainable fashion, beauty, and culture at its core. Reach out to Snigdha at [email protected] for inquiries.
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