Over the years, mostly in retrospect, I learned a variety of lessons, and one of the most important is this: You can’t hit a target you can’t see. You can’t accomplish wonderful things with your life if you have no idea of what they are. You must first become absolutely clear about what you want if you are serious about unlocking the extraordinary power that lies within you.
Introducing Mr Akshay Dhone, a very intelligent and hardworking person. He hails from Mumbai. He is a graduate in computer science. He belongs to a very decent and moral family background. In 2018 he completed his graduation. After that he got a decent job in his domain. He worked in that for almost 2 years but eventually he realised that he needed to start something of his own. Then he started exploring various realms. He tried various things like Blogging and much more but he was not so satisfied with it. Then he started his Instagram in early 2020 and started exploring it. He learned various skills through it.
Then one day he encountered one of his friends in it. And he told him about an amazing business opportunity. It was a digital marketing business. But at that time this concept was very new for him. But he slowly started learning and researching about it. And when he gained proper knowledge of the business then he started his business.
Initially it was not very easy. Because he belongs to a mediocre family and no one from his family takes this type of risk. He was the first one and he was quite confident that he would succeed. He started working hard day and night and in a very short span of time he earned an amazing six figure income and made his parents and family members feel proud.
Today he is helping hundreds of people by personally mentoring them. He shares his life experiences with youngsters and motivates them to grow. He loves doing charity work and helps poor children.
He says that “Difficult time comes in everyone’s life but it is to test our mental robustness”.
His goal is to change the life of any 1 person who is listening to him. He says it will be the greatest victory for him.
Akshay Dhone is a successful digital entrepreneur today and is guiding a lot of people. If you too are entangled in your life, how to find and work on a new opportunity in this great time. You can message Akshay Dhone on his Instagram.