We are introducing you to Miss Sanchitha.N.G daughter of Jagadish.N.G and Shalini.B.S who hails from Bangalore. She is pursuing Engineering from Bangalore. Miss Sanchitha.N.G is a very dynamic personality who tried various things in her life to gain knowledge and experience. Some of her key hobbies are Theatre and Art, software development, public service which builds her character to serve her country. She believes in grabbing the opportunities that knocks her door . Her thinking is very vast in terms of leading a successful life. But this was not inborn in her. She also believes in fighting for what she wants rather than giving up. As every person struggles with life in their 20s she too faced the same challenges of society and of herself too that she can’t do what she dreamt of. But she broke the boundaries of her mind and she just started thinking about her dreams. That time she didn’t know how to fullfill them. But as she rightly said first we have to think only then we can work on that. Her first phase of thinking was completed. And soon she got an opportunity to become a part of digital marketing industry. She got the way to achieve her dreams. Sanchitha.N.G also believes in maintaining the love and warmth with people around her.

She started working hard and learning too. And within three months she proved herself and her family that nothing is impossible. She earned more than 3 lakhs in just 3 months and made her parents proud. Now she is a six figure earner and soon become millionaire. She made her family proud. Now she is planning to expand her business exponentially.
Currently she is mentoring around 1000s of people. She feels immensely happy by helping and mentoring people who need guidance.
Her special message to young girls is that “We have to break the boundaries of our mind, Only then we can do big”. She said there is nothing like impossible especially for girls they can do anything they want.
Today Sanchitha.N.G is mentoring a lot of people and also have inspired many people. If you also want to know about her and wants to understand the model of her business, then you can follow and text her on Instagram.