HomeBusinessBuilding a Strong Company Culture from the Ground Up

Building a Strong Company Culture from the Ground Up

If you want to build a robust company, one of the most important things you need to focus on is having a good company culture. This is not only important for enhancing collaboration amongst the employees but also for improving customer interactions and, ultimately, the overall performance of the company. In this article, we will look at some of the most effective ways to build a strong company culture. 

What are your company’s values?

As the founder of a company, the very first question you must ask yourself is: What do you believe are your company’s values? 

Moreover, you also have to make sure that your company’s values are in line with those of its employees as well as its customers.

Simon J. Cropper, a Global Talent Management executive, says,

“According to data, employees are 115% more engaged when their organization has a well-defined set of company values “that they understand.”. One issue is that most companies have not explained what specific behaviors are necessary to live up to their company values. This, by the way, starts with the leadership team and every single manager in the company, “If they ain’t walking the talk, then don’t expect your employees to!”

Be a leader

But as a founder, you are already a leader, aren’t you? The truth is that being a founder and leader isn’t mutually inclusive. You can be a founder and still be horrible at leading your employees. 

It’s important to remember that leadership sets the tone for culture. Hence, it is crucial to lead by example. As a leader, embody the desired behaviors—transparency, accountability, and respect—and ensure your actions and decisions align with the defined company values.

Leaders wield a pivotal influence in molding company culture. It is imperative for leaders to exemplify the desired behaviors within the workforce, emphasizing traits like transparency, accountability, and respect. Aligning actions and decisions with the established company values is paramount for fostering a cohesive and robust organizational culture.

Is there proper communication in the company between the employees and the CEO?

While it is true that you do not have to be in constant contact with all the employees all the time, having a system in place is good enough. But you also do not have to be so uptight about it. 

Fostering effective communication and collaboration is crucial to fortifying a robust company culture. Promote open dialogue and teamwork among employees, creating avenues for idea exchange and feedback. This approach cultivates a sense of belonging and engagement within the workforce. 

Entrepreneurs Today recently got in touch with Swati Mittal, founder of Bigship, and she explained it better. She says,

“There is absolutely no need to have excessive filters within a company, as it will hinder communication between the CEO and the employees. Startup founders, especially CEOs, must set aside the ego associated with hierarchical positions and be accessible to their team. At the end of the day, you got to treat employees like family, as the strength of a company lies not in the individual at the top but in the collective skills and contributions of every team member.”

Several other experts hold the same opinion and believe that a CEO should be open to hearing from employees, recognizing that each member, with their unique skill set, plays a crucial role in the company’s daily progress. 

Invest in professional development

As a company, if you are investing in professional development opportunities, this will show your commitment to employee growth. This is also good for your company, as it enables them to acquire valuable skills and knowledge that ultimately benefit the business.

According to a Harvard Division of Continuing Education article

“Professional development can help to bolster employees’ confidence in their work. Greater confidence can, in turn, translate into higher overall job satisfaction, employee performance, productivity, and overall morale.” 

Acknowledge and reward employees

Acknowledging and rewarding employee accomplishments is a powerful motivator, enhancing morale and encouraging peak performance. Incentives like bonuses, promotions, and recognition programs can be effective tools. Another positive impact this has on the culture is that it creates a positive work environment, influencing employee satisfaction and productivity. 

What can you do?

Try providing comfortable workspaces, supporting flexible arrangements, and promoting work-life balance. 

Inclusion and diversity in the company

As a founder, you also need to make sure that there is diversity and inclusion in the company. This is needed to ensure that there is creativity and innovation. A good way to approach this is by diversifying your hiring practices. Remember that in a positive environment, the employees would typically feel respected and included. 

Get feedback from your employees

Are the employed strategies what the employees need? Get feedback from them and see to their needs. This will also demonstrate your willingness to care for your employees and their well-being. 

Bottom line

In this blog, we looked at some of the most common strategies you can employ to create a positive workplace and enhance employee satisfaction, productivity, and growth. However, your job doesn’t end at just employing these strategies, so carry out regular assessments to adapt these strategies to align with your company’s evolving needs and goals.

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Snigdha Basu
Snigdha Basu
A multifaceted writer, Snigdha Basu is a freelancer and a columnist at Entrepreneurs Today. She also spearheads Chic Life Edition - her own Digital Magazine with sustainable fashion, beauty, and culture at its core. Reach out to Snigdha at [email protected] for inquiries.
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