If there is anything my life has taught me is the notion that we are the sculptors of our own paths to success.
Throughout high school, I was always typecast in a certain way, because people didn’t want to see that there was more to me than meets the eye.
Perhaps they still do, but that’s when I took my twelfth boards as opportunity to prove my capabilities to myself and put an end to their stereotyping.Seeing the results of my hard work and determination materialise lit a fire within me because the feeling of success was addictive.

At this age, we have the unique chance to take bold risks and experiment with our mind, creativity and hobbies – something that becomes harder once we grow older and the weight of our responsibilities become heavier.
My life hasn’t been without it’s set of challenges – I remember when my anxiety stifled me so heavily that I felt physically and mentally incapable. At the end of the day, it made me realise that your mind can be your best friend and your worst enemy. I learnt that we tend to beat ourselves up over the tiniest things without realising the harm we’re doing to ourselves.
When things change inside you, they begin changing around you. Make yourself the priority and spread the love and happiness you have with everyone, always. I can’t wait to show the world what I have to offer. Fashion is more than clothes for me. It’s taught me to be confident enough to make my entire world my runway.