Pari Naheta and Sanya Shah, understudies of Dhirubhai Ambani International School, Mumbai, have created Sneakeasy, a splash for tennis shoes made of regular fixings.
Proceeding with our series on youthful business visionaries and their fun, peculiar, and insightful introductions to business venture, this week, we have for both of you 15-year-olds from Mumbai.
Pari Naheta and Sanya Shah, class 10 understudies of Dhirubhai Ambani International School, began Sneakeasy in 2019.
“The two Pari and I are exceptionally enthusiastic with regards to sports and dance and use tennis shoes a great deal. Nonetheless, we understood that keeping up with shoes while living in a dirtied city like Mumbai was very hard,” Sanya tells”
At one of their Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) meetings, the pair focused in on the possibility of a characteristic shower for shoes. With the assistance of their tutors at YEA!, they did a ton of exploration to think of the recipe for their shoe shower called Sneakeasy, which they guarantee cleans shoes much better and quicker.
Sanya Shah and Pari Naheta – Natural solution for dirty shoes

Pari clarifies that Sneakeasy is simply made of normal fixings. “It essentially utilizes normal stain eliminating fixings like lemon and regular oils that delicately help to eliminate the stains while guaranteeing the shoe stays in the best condition for the longest period,” she says.
As of now, it is being made by them at their homes with wellbeing precautionary measures. The couple secures unrefined components from neighborhood stores.
“When we arrive at a specific benchmark, we intend to band together with a lab to get the jugs in mass. We likewise desire to purchase the unrefined components from wholesalers, which will decrease the expense by 30%,” says Sanya.
Utilizing Sneakeasy is simple. Pari says you should simply to shower on the spaces you need to clean, rub with a perfect napkin, and proceed with the cycle till the whole shoe is spotless. The contrast among Sneakeasy and different cleaners is that it is without synthetic and safe for the climate. The team additionally cooperated to make the logo, pick the tones, and bundling to make their final result look tasteful.
Pari and Sanya began Sneakeasy with the prize cash acquired at the YEA! Financial backer Panel occasion and a little assistance from their folks.
“YEA! assisted us with sending off the thought as an undertaking. Further, it additionally gave us stunning freedoms and stages. Throughout the previous two years, we have been taking part in the YEA! Expo that has assisted us with elevating our item to various crowds,” says Pari.
Heading for good things
The team was likewise welcome to TiEcon Mumbai 2019 where they were offered the chance to try out their business thought to financial backers who additionally addressed them secretly later their pitch.
They are likewise glad to be essential for YEA! star graduated class club where they get the chance to connect with different graduated class dish India and find out with regards to one another’s endeavors and commend each other’s triumphs.
Sneakeasy is as of now evaluated at Rs 399 for each container. The two youthful business people have made 500 jugs of the arrangement up to this point and sold 410 containers last year alone through career expos and different occasions.
They guarantee to have timed Rs 1.7 lakh in deals such a long ways with negligible costs.
“This has enormously supported our certainty. Functioning as a group assists us with adjusting our studies, different responsibilities and business, and we enthusiastically suggest finding and working with the right fellow benefactor,” says Sanya.
Sneakeasy has been getting repeating orders from existing customers, companions, and family members.
The two say that individuals have liked their item and have provided them with a great deal of positive input. They additionally as of late further developed their equation, which has expanded their deals. In general, Sneakeasy is doing extraordinary and intends to improve.
Presently publicizing through informal, career expos, and web-based media channels like Instagram, Sanya and Pari are anticipating taking Sneakeasy to a higher level by presenting a scope of textures and cowhide items.
“We might want to forcefully advance Sneakeasy through web-based media, different occasions, magazines, on the web and disconnected commercials, and so on We are content with the audits and are certain that with the right group and promoting, we can possibly scale,” they say.