Ramesh Choudhary is a highly specialist person who loves to talk about self-growth and personal development. Belonging to the humble family of Rajasthan, he was raised with a lot of financial constraints in the metro city of Mumbai. His parents spent their entire lives saving up money for his education to be what he wants and sacrificing their comforts for him. He choose engineering as a career and he was very good in academics throughout his college time. Seeing all this, he developed a thirst for success in very early life. He wanted to earn money and take away the pain and suffering of years from his parents.
His tough life as a child made him aware of the struggles of a financially poor person. Today, he has managed to escape that phase of life and is a successful growth consultant residing in Mumbai. However, that is not all to do with the inspiring personality of Ramesh Choudhary.
The best platform to fulfill one’s ambition of helping people and achieving their dreams and motivating them in life turned out to be through social media. He uses his social media profile to help people achieve their dreams. Ramesh is an inspiration for many as he regularly shares his insights on life, productivity, fitness, and general wellness. He aspires to create mindsets that are revolutionary and believes in bringing a positive change in the lives of his followers. He considers this his sole responsibility as someone with great power and vision.
Ramesh Choudhary likes to share his struggles in life to relate to the people who follow him. Ramesh understands the toll it takes on one’s mental health. He wishes to be a mentor for many unprivileged people so that they can achieve their dreams.
Ramesh shares that he wanted to help his family from his college time and he was one among the few people who got placement in college. He quit his job after 5 years and he also has experience of traditional business but in gaining this experience he incurred lots of losses in business but he had a strong will and aims to achieve big. He started his post-graduation. Then he thought of doing some traditional business. It gave him a tremendous amount of experience to do good in life. Then pandemic happen and at that time he devoted most of his time to enhancing his skills and from there, his life got changed tremendously.
Ramesh wants to share something with his young viewers. He believes that with a positive and strong mindset everyone can achieve what he dreamt of. But he should be patient and strong. He shares that young students should follow their passion and make themselves aware of their life. Whatever the time is be it good or bad just be confident that you will get out of it.
Ramesh is one of the few influencers on Instagram who is aiming to make a positive impact on the youth of today by challenging them to dream and strive hard to make it a reality.