Whether you realise it or not, people are watching your life. Even those who belittle you are watching how you live. How you live your life around those people is how you set an example for them.
Meet Mr Tushar Sahu, a very ambitious and hardworking person. He hails from Chhattisgarh. His age is just 20 but what he achieved at such a young age is completely marvellous. He has wanted to do business since childhood. But as every middle class family teaches their child that they have to study and do a job. Same happened with him. But he firmly believes that if he wants to live his dream life he has to do business.
Initially during college time he started working with the Network Marketing industry. He worked there for 1.5 years and earned a bit money as well as vast knowledge and experience. His main learning from Network Marketing was that to achieve your dreams you must step out of your comfort zone.
After his experience in marketing business in early 2020. He started his digital entrepreneurship business. He was totally new to this. But he decided to build an amazing reputation in this business. Then he started researching about it. On various platforms and websites he studied about it. He contacted many people who were doing well in this business. Then he got an opportunity to learn from a very respected person. But his fees were a challenge. But he managed this situation very effectively and efficiently. After having proper knowledge of this business he launched his own Agency named as “BM Media” (Businessmoral Media). By this Agency he transformed his business completely.
Soon he started helping his clients and earning a decent amount of money. And they are doing great in their field.
In the span of just 16 months his Agency touched the 6-Figure Milestone.
His Agency helped over 30 businesses to grow their instagram brand and revenue as well.
He has built a vast network of 150k+ followers in just 15 months. Along with that He Mentored more than 140 people to start their online business with the help of instagram. So that they can also Leverage the Power of Instagram and achieve their dreams by starting their own business.
His special message for youngsters is that “Building a Following is the Key to Make Money Online”. If you’re looking forward to start your own online business then you need to build a following and to do so Instagram is the hottest social media platform with most active users.
Tushar Sahu is a successful digital entrepreneur today and is guiding approximately thousands of people. Self-learning and fanatical execution have helped him to manage such a glorious position in rapidly growing coaching and Internet Marketing business. If you too are entangled in your life, how to find and work on a new opportunity in this great time. You can follow his journey on Instagram.