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House of Aadimane’s Vision To Revolutionize Construction Practices With Architecture Design

Apurva Basavaraj in Conversation With Entrepreneurs Today

Apurva Basavaraj
Image: Apurva Basavaraj

Entrepreneurs Today recently connected with Apurva Basavaraj, a Bangalore native and gold medalist from BMS College of Architecture, who have always worked towards finding a balance between architectural design and construction practices.

Raised in a family who was in the construction industry for decades, she recognised early on how a design/build firm could revolutionise the industry deliverables. Apurva’s vision for architecture involves crafting spaces that personify their inhabitants, combining innovative design research with sustainable construction. Previously founded in 2013, she took over ‘HOUSE OF AADIMANE’ in 2015, with a completely different approach to integrating design and construction solutions all under one roof.

In a freewheeling chat with the team at Entrepreneurs Today, she talked about how she is doing things differently in the current market to stay ahead of the curve.

Competitive Edge 

What sets Apurva and House of Aadimane (HOA) apart is their innovative vision and unique approach to integrating design, construction and sustainability.

Interviewer: How does HOA ensure that its design process is aligned with sustainability principles?

Apurva: “Any project at HOA, starts with a process that is completely design-responsive to the context. It starts at a level where we have a strong understanding of design deliverables at the construction level, even at the initial stage of the project. This helps us understand the client’s requirements, the budget limitations to consider. We believe that sustainability is a way of life and this creates a strong resonance between both the design and the build practices we follow.”

She views architecture as a profession with the potential to positively impact people’s lives and the environment, creating spaces that are both aesthetic  , user responsive and eclectic. Her vision includes fostering a community focused on user experience, where design and construction evolve together from concept to completion.

HOA emphasises active research, innovative technologies, and cost-effective construction methods, moving beyond traditional approaches. Initially focusing on small-scale luxury residential projects, the firm has since expanded into commercial, industrial, institutional, and high-rise residential sectors, building a solid clientele.

Apurva leads a diverse portfolio, including luxury residences, F&B, commercial, hospitality, and institutional projects, Office spaces etc driven by her passion for all things design-related.

Giving Back To the Community  

Apurva is currently associated with another venture, a sustainable fashion brand called “The Trunk Collective,” launched under the “Make in India” initiative with a focus on empowering women and supporting various art forms from across India.

This brand emerged whilst working on a construction project in the garment industry, where she identified the potential for a “fashion for a cause” initiative. The Trunk Collective trains and employs over 650 women in “Community Studios” situated in rural and suburban areas.

The initiative provides stable employment, sustainable income, and allows women to become shareholders in the company, fostering a sense of ownership and financial independence.

By combining her construction expertise with a passion for social impact, Apurva’s venture not only supports marginalized women but also promotes sustainable fashion practices, making a significant difference in society.

Interviewer: How do your community studios support the training and employment of marginalised women?

Apurva: “Marginalized and needy women are trained and are placed in our community studios, which are equipped with the modern industrial sewing machine for making garments and accessories as per our designs and styles.”

Apurva’s vision for “The Trunk Collective” extends beyond just creating a sustainable fashion brand. She sees it as a tool for empowering women and fostering socio-economic change within communities. By involving women in every aspect of the brand, from production to decision-making, Apurva aims to make them feel like “power women” in society.

Her ultimate goal is to create a network of self-help groups where women not only receive employment and training but also have the opportunity to become successful entrepreneurs in their own right. Through this initiative, she envisions developing women as micro-entrepreneurs, equipping them with skills that are valuable both locally and globally.

Moreover, by enabling remote work, Apurva seeks to provide women with the flexibility to work from their own neighbourhoods, eliminating the need for daily travel and allowing them to work comfortably.

Interviewer: Have you observed any collective impact of your initiative so far? 

Apurva: “Of course, I have noticed that working towards our initiative and contributing to our line of production has encouraged more and more women to join the initiative, creating thousands of opportunities to empower our women.”

Navigating Challenges

The journey has not been a cakewalk for Apurva, particularly in the male-dominated field of construction. In the initial stages of her career, she faced scepticism about her proficiency, a common hurdle for newcomers in any profession. Despite these doubts, she seized opportunities to work on projects. Looking back at the initial days, she shares,

“I had the opportunity to work on interesting  projects starting with small-scale luxury residences and commercial spaces at the very initial years of start through internal references within the close circle, which eventually led to building a good portfolio and a strong clientele over the years.”

This allowed her to gradually build a robust portfolio and establish a strong clientele.

However, Apurva and her team at HOA remained steadfast in their belief in their design skills and construction techniques. They navigated through tough situations and demanding clients by continuously learning and evolving. This involved refining their design language, staying updated on advancements in construction practices, and assembling a proficient tech team.

Plans Ahead

Apurva’s future plans for the House of Aadimane (HOA) involve a steadfast commitment to crafting unique and harmonious physical environments while embracing continuous evolution in design and construction processes. They prioritise sustainability and quality, ensuring each project is unique, self-sustaining, user-responsive, and of high quality.

HOA aims to maintain control over all aspects of quality and cost by adopting an in-house approach from design inception to project handover.

They plan to stay at the forefront of industry advancements by embracing emerging design tools, construction techniques, and sustainable methods. Apurva reveals,

“From doing everything inhouse from design start to handover, we are able to ensure all aspects of quality, and control cost benefits to the clients and we labour over all aspects from initial design to trained workmanships, which sets us apart.”

“We also intend to launch a production line for construction materials, enabling us to create custom-made solutions tailored to client requirements, all under one roof.

Ultimately, they seek to cultivate lasting relationships with clients, building bonds as they deliver spaces that inspire and endure.

 Major Takeaways

 “With our evolving design skills and attention to detail, every project is crafted to perfection, creating physical environments that are harmonious to the surroundings, with a unique character to every built space…  Our design style is eclectic yet responsive and context-oriented.”

Apurva’s journey taught her several valuable lessons. She learned that people are receptive to new advancements, talents, technology, and innovative design approaches. Before signing off, she asserts,

“Every design we create is unique and has a strong storyline to tell. Our passionate influences lead to the continuous evolution of the design process at HOA, from concept to completion. The degree of interaction between our design and construction teams ensures every tiny little detail gets the close attention it deserves, all under one roof.”

Snigdha Basu
Snigdha Basu
A multifaceted writer, Snigdha Basu is a freelancer and a columnist at Entrepreneurs Today. She also spearheads Chic Life Edition - her own Digital Magazine with sustainable fashion, beauty, and culture at its core. Reach out to Snigdha at [email protected] for inquiries.
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