Home40Under40 2023Ankit Khare: Pioneering Digital Marketing in the Education Sector With Unipro Education 

Ankit Khare: Pioneering Digital Marketing in the Education Sector With Unipro Education 

Ankit Khare, a seasoned digital marketing specialist, brings over 20 years of expertise in media sales, online advertising, and client relationship management. As the co-founder of Unipro Education, which was later acquired by CollegeDekho, he currently serves as the Chief Business Officer. 

Ankit’s leadership is instrumental in driving innovative digital media solutions, revolutionizing the education sector in India through Unipro Education’s transformation into a leading digital media company for educational institutions.

Getting started

Talking about what propelled him in the industry, Ankit says,

“My inspiration stemmed from recognizing a gap in the education industry, specifically in the way marketing and advertising were being handled, which was mostly unorganized.”

It was the untapped potential of engaging students through online platforms that made him leave behind a senior leadership role in a prominent media solutions company. 

Soon after, he founded Unipro Education in 2012. His vision was to create a platform that not only empowered educational institutions to reach their target audience but also fostered meaningful engagement. Thus, Unipro Education was born, dedicated to delivering customized digital marketing solutions tailored for the education sector.

What makes them unique?

“What sets Unipro Education apart is our deep understanding of the education sector and the target audience.”

The uniqueness also lies in its exclusive focus on the education sector in the country. This singular dedication has endowed the company with deep insights into student psychology and behavior that no other firm possesses within a single domain. He adds,

“This eventually helps us implement exceptional marketing and advertising campaigns for educational institutions that deliver amazing ROI.”

Navigating hurdles

Ankit and his team encountered several challenges in the competitive digital marketing landscape. To address these hurdles, they implemented a range of successful strategies. Adaptability emerged as a key approach, enabling them to respond swiftly to market changes and shifting customer preferences. 

Staying at the forefront of industry trends and technologies was equally important to maintain their competitive edge. Furthermore, the formation of a dedicated and passionate team, fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation, played a pivotal role in surmounting obstacles and propelling their business forward.

Achievements so far

“Success, for us, is not merely monetary but lies in the impact we make.”

Unipro Education has achieved remarkable milestones, including consistent year-over-year growth exceeding 100% and an impressive client retention rate of over 90% since their first client acquisition. Their sector-specific expertise has positioned them as veterans in the education domain, earning the trust of prominent educational institutions for end-to-end marketing and advertising operations.

Plans ahead

Looking to the future, Unipro’s aim is global expansion through partnerships with educational institutions worldwide. They plan to achieve this by maintaining innovation, embracing emerging technologies, and continuously enhancing client experiences.

Note from the founder:

“Through this journey, I’ve learned the power of resilience, adaptability, and the importance of building a passionate and skilled team. So, believe in your vision, stay persistent, and most importantly, surround yourself with a team that shares your passion. Success is not just about achieving your goals; it’s about the impact you create along the way.”

Snigdha Basu
Snigdha Basu
A multifaceted writer, Snigdha Basu is a freelancer and a columnist at Entrepreneurs Today. She also spearheads Chic Life Edition - her own Digital Magazine with sustainable fashion, beauty, and culture at its core. Reach out to Snigdha at [email protected] for inquiries.
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